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Fox Valley Medical Centre - Make an appointment

Our practice operates by appointments only. If the doctor of your choice is unavailable, continuity of care is maintained via your medical records. Appointments are made by phoning 02 9480 9700, booking online or in person at reception.

Bookings for COVID-19 vaccinations can only be made by calling on 02 9480 9700.

Paid Flu vaccines are available and can booked online or by phone.

Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly. Standard consultations are 15 minutes. If a longer consultation is required, please inform our reception staff when booking, or select ‘Long Consult’ if booking online.

House calls may be arranged during opening hours for patients within a 4-5km radius of the Centre who are too sick to attend in person. Please phone 9480 9700 before 10.00am. Nursing Home and Hospital visits may also be made by arrangement.